80 North Hatfield

Hatfield, MA 01038

  • $344,900
  • 5.59 Acres

Come make historic Hatfield your home. Hatfield is close to Northampton (10 min) and Amherst (20 min) while feeling worlds away in a farming village. This property is near Rt/5/10 and I91 making any work commute convenient. Lots 1&2 have a combined acreage of 5.5975. Usage is zoned RR, Need approval from town for either, single/ multi family. Book and page are 15148 and 352 &348.

Property Highlights
  • ELEMENTARY : Hatfield Elemen
  • DAYS ON MARKET : 269
  • MLS : 73259267

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Location for 80 North Hatfield, Hatfield, MA




, Massachusetts

Situated about 25 miles north of Springfield, Hatfield was the birthplace and hometown of Sophia Smith, the founder of Smith College in nearby Hampton, as well as Smith Academy, the public high school...

Market Stats for Hatfield, Massachusetts

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  • William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty

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