76 School St

Greenfield, MA 01301

  • $818,000
  • 1.05 Acres
  • 1900 Built

This location, right off Main St, is well located for a high-density development. The current ice cream plant will be razed to make way for high-density residential use. Demand for market rate, senior and workforce housing in Greenfield is strong. The owner has engaged an engineer to produce two concepts that would be allowed per the “By-Laws" on a "By-Right" basis. Conceptual plans in hand showing a mix of 1 and 2 bedroom residential units. Plan calls for 16 units per floor. Plan also allows for 32 parking spaces on-site. Seller will consider a joint venture opportunity.

Property Highlights
  • DAYS ON MARKET : 307
  • MLS : 73242209

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, Massachusetts

The city’s Main Street Historic District is a treasure trove of fine examples of Victorian, Greek Revival, Federal and Victorian architecture. The town’s students attend schools in the Greenfield...

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  • William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty

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