6 Seekonk Cross Road

Alford, MA 01230

  • $3,995,000
  • 4 Beds
  • 4/2 Baths
  • 7,000 Sqft
  • 17.62 Acres
  • 2003 Built

Pristine condition -move in ready. House sited in low tax Alford, with long winding driveway entrance in Great Barrington VIEWS from every room with floor to ceiling windows! Completely private, not another house in site and IMPECCABLE condition. Located on 17+ acres on desirable Seekonk Cross Rd in Alford sits this remarkable state of the art 7000' contemporary. Designed by famed Calvin Tsao and Zack McKown , the massive floor to ceilings windows capture the postcard panorama from every angle as the sun moves around the C shaped configuration. The winding half mile drive is lined with a long allee of trees and mature landscaping. The setting, views, privacy, landscaping, and architectural significance make 6 Seekonk Cross Road truly a rare Berkshire offering.

Property Highlights
  • STYLE : Contemporary
  • PRICE/SQFT : $571
  • DAYS ON MARKET : 336
  • MLS : 73226250

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Location for 6 Seekonk Cross Road, Alford, MA




Berkshire County, Massachusetts

The Taconic Mountain range serves as a picturesque backdrop to the rural Berkshires town of Alford. Located on the western border of Massachusetts, Alford has deep agricultural roots, and still today working...

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  • Great Barrington Brokerage

    306 Main Street
    Great Barrington, MA 01230

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