Shoreline, ConnecticutA quaint historic town center and five charming villages comprise the picturesque, rural town of Haddam. Situated in the lower Connecticut River Valley amid rolling hills, Haddam includes the villages...
This wonderful homestead has been in the same family for nearly 50 years and is now ready for the next steward to create memories. The original home built in 1800 consists of 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 4 fireplaces and a conservatory. The detached guest house has 2 bedrooms and a full bath. The parcel consists of 11 acres, mostly open field, a beautiful antique barn, inground swimming pool, a detached two car garage and of course an outhouse.
A quaint historic town center and five charming villages comprise the picturesque, rural town of Haddam. Situated in the lower Connecticut River Valley amid rolling hills, Haddam includes the villages...
An exclusive report that informs you of residential real estate sales activity and trends in Haddam, Connecticut.