203 Long Plain Rd

Whately, MA 01093

  • $844,000
  • 4.65 Acres
  • 1930 Built

MOTIVATED SELLER-possible owner financing available. Unbelievable opportunity to own a large commercial building & property in desirable Whately w/ close proximity to highway & surrounding towns! Currently run as a successful & lucrative doggie daycare/training facility but could be modified for a buyers use, such as veterinary office, expanded pet facility, agri business, etc. The property features between approx. 16,000-22,000 sq. ft of space (including Morton building) w/ additional sq. footage in basement & set on a beautiful 4.65 acre lot w/ ample parking. The main building is over-supported to hold extra heavy equipment, 2 oversized bay doors for deliveries, incredibly energy efficiency heat pumps (w/ propane back up) w/ central heating and cooling, spray foam insulation, and LED lighting throughout--major energy improvements done between 20'-22'. Twenty stalls/kennels for dogs, fenced outdoor area, plumbing for second bathroom in basement, public water. See paperclips & inquire

Property Highlights
  • DAYS ON MARKET : 188
  • MLS : 73293006

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Location for 203 Long Plain Rd, Whately, MA




, Massachusetts

The town is situated along the county’s southern border, north of Hampshire County. It is bordered by Deerfield to the northeast, Conway to the northwest, Sunderland to the east, Hatfield to the south,...

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  • William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty

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