176 Cottage Ave

Wilbraham, MA 01095

  • $3,500,000
  • 9 Acres
  • 1876 Built

Rare industrial mill redevelopment opportunity in Wilbraham. Industrially zoned former manufacturing complex that was once used to make paper for US currency. The complex includes multiple buildings on a nine acre parcel next to the Chicopee River. The main building has three stories over a high basement, with a ramp to the parking lot, a loading dock, and a freight elevator to the top floor. Separate ADA accessible entrance/elevator. Potentially eligible for historic registration. Residential adaptive reuse plans available. Conveniently located near the corner of US Route 20, a major commercial corridor. Minutes from the Ludlow and Palmer I-90 interchanges, Springfield, and area attractions.

Property Highlights
  • DAYS ON MARKET : 768
  • MLS : 73080212

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Location for 176 Cottage Ave, Wilbraham, MA




, Massachusetts

The Hampshire County town of Wilbraham, a bustling suburb of Springfield, is home to about 14,600 residents within its 22.4 square miles.

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  • William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty

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