0 Long Plain Road

Whately, MA 01093

  • $135,000
  • 7.3 Acres

Build your own custom home on this parcel conveniently located close to I-91 and just 15 minutes from Northampton. Land has been perced, electricity at the road, and town water available. Located along a quiet section of Long Plain Road, zoned A/R-1 and A/R-2. The building envelope is located within the less restrictive A/R1 zone of the parcel. The remaining land will offer a privacy buffer in all directions -- a perfect location for putting down roots. Wetland Delineation, wetland site plan, and perc test results available. Buyer responsible for all due diligence and for verifying intended use.

Property Highlights
  • ELEMENTARY : Whately Elem.
  • MID. SCHOOL : Frontier
  • HIGH SCHOOL : Frontier
  • DAYS ON MARKET : 170
  • MLS : 73299799

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Location for 0 Long Plain Road, Whately, MA




, Massachusetts

The town is situated along the county’s southern border, north of Hampshire County. It is bordered by Deerfield to the northeast, Conway to the northwest, Sunderland to the east, Hatfield to the south,...

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  • William Pitt Sotheby's International Realty

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