Joanne Kelley

Joanne Kelley


Joanne Kelley
  • M
41 Williams Avenue
Mystic, CT 06355

Over 27 years working with buyers and sellers in Southeastern CT doing a job that I love! About Me

Over 27 years working with buyers and sellers in Southeastern CT doing a job that I love!

I am a 45 year resident of southeastern Connecticut, teaming with both buyers and sellers to achieve their goals.  As a young mom, born and raised in Bronx, NY, I found the southeastern Connecticut area a wonderful place to live and raise a family. Now, with three grown children and five grandkids I have no desire to ever leave, though I visit often and love my hometown NYC! 

My favorite hobby is gardening and I am a member of the Ledyard Garden Club for over 12 years and count the days until the spring planting season. My house is full of houseplants and fresh flowers the rest of the time to feed my soul.  

I have volunteered in multiple capacities for my town, including seven years on the Board of Assessment Appeals. I strongly believe in giving back to my community, serving my fellow citizens and providing the best education to all of our students, providing the tools and resources to our educators to make that happen. I am currently an elected member of the Board of Education in my town and also currently am a member of a Citizens Alliance for Land Use working towards environmentally responsible economic development.

I really enjoy gathering with friends and family over food either at home or in any of our wonderful restaurants. 

I feel like working in real estate is another way to serve my community, by helping families find their own community and the perfect home for them in that place where they can blossom.  

  • Born In Bronx, NY
  • Lives In Gales Ferry
  • Favorite Movie Moonstruck
  • Passion Flowers
  • Interests Volunteering
  • Favorite Lyric "I didn't ask you shouldn't have told me"
  • Inspiration My family
  • Can't Live Without Music
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Joanne Kelley is everything you would want in a realtor. She is personable and a true pleasure to work with. She is unrelenting in her support of her clients. In my specific case, I live out of state. Ms. Kelley spent considerable time guiding me through numerous challenges, shuttled an incredible amount of paperwork to where it needed to go and worked with town officials to help resolve issues. These few words are an understatement of how supportive Ms. Kelley was to ensure this transaction reached the finish line. I am so grateful to having chosen Ms. Kelley to represent me in the sale of my property. Thank you very much. Cheryl Winston

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  • Joanne Kelley

    Joanne Kelley

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